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Communication & Collaboration Apps with SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader



Zoom is a very popular video conferencing app enabling you to connect, watch, meet, and chat using an internet connection.

Below you will find out how to perform popular tasks using Zoom and discover useful keyboard commands available with SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader. You will also discover links to other useful resources.

Reading time: 5 minutes approx.

Downloading Zoom

Zoom is available as a free desktop app from the Zoom website. Visit to download, install, and setup the app.

Invitations to join Zoom meetings

When you are invited to join a Zoom meeting, you will receive an email from the host. In some cases, you may need to register for the meeting. If this is the case, registration details will be provided in the email. In such cases, you will be directed to a webpage where you enter your details. Once submitted, you will receive an email with instructions on how to join the meeting.

Joining a Zoom meeting

When it is time to join the meeting, select the join link in the email or in your saved calendar event. If you have not used Zoom before, you will be asked to download the Zoom App. We recommend you pre-empt this step by downloading the app in preparation for the meetings.

If you already have Zoom installed, you will be prompted to "Open Zoom Meetings". If you enter the meeting before the host has joined, you will be placed in a waiting room.

Once the host is ready, you will either automatically join the meeting when it starts or the host will add you to the meeting.

Participating in a meeting

The Zoom interface shows a toolbar at the bottom of the screen. This toolbar contains the controls you require to participate in the meeting. You can show and hide the toolbar by pressing the ALT key. You can give the toolbar focus by pressing CONTROL + ALT + SHIFT, and navigate the buttons using the TAB and SHIFT + TAB keys. You can also access important commands using hotkeys.

You can press:

  • ALT + A to mute and unmute your microphone. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader will annouce the change in the microphone status. You can also press LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + M to review your current microphone state.
  • ALT + V to toggle your video camera on and off. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader will announce the change in the camera status. You can also press LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + O to review your current camera state.
  • ALT + F to toggle Full screen view.
  • ALT + H to toggle the Chat panel appearance. When the Chat panel is open, you can press SHIFT + TAB to move focus into the chat history and use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to review posts. With SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader, you can also press RIGHT ALT + 1 through to 9 to review the most recent posts (with 1 being the most recent post). Note that replies to posts are currently unsupported due to limitations in the Zoom interface.
  • ALT + U to toggle the Participants panel appearance.
  • ALT + Y to raise or lower your hand.
  • ALT + Q to leave the meeting. 

Other useful options in the toolbar, which you can navigate to with the TAB key and activate with SPACEBAR, include:

  • Audio Settings enable you to change your microphone and speaker settings. Audio settings also include the ability to test your microphone.
  • Video Settings enable you to select your camera plus the ability to choose a custom background theme, which may be useful when working out of the office.
  • Share, also accessible by pressing ALT + S when the toolbar has focus, enables you to share your screen with participants. Usually, you choose to share your entire screen. You can use ALT + TAB to switch between apps, ALT + T to pause sharing, and ALT + S to stop sharing. You require permission from the host to share your screen.
  • Other settings include the ability to record the meeting as an MP4 file. This requires permission from the host. You can start the recording by pressing ALT + R and pause recording by pressing ALT + P. A request is sent to the host when you attempt to record the meeting. If the host is recording the meeting you will find a recording notification on the screen.

For a full list of keyboard commands and their descriptions, please visit Hot keys and keyboard shortcuts on the Zoom Support webpages. If you are signed into Zoom Workplace, you can also find a full list of keyboard commands in the Zoom Settings dialog box. You can review the full list in the "Keyboard shortcuts" category.

Managing screen reader speech output during calls and meetings

You may not always be able to hear what your screen reader speech is saying against the continuous chatter occurring in a call or meeting. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader include two features to help you address this issue.

Audio splitting

SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader supports audio splitting. For example, if you are using headphone, you can configure the screen reader speech to play in your left ear and the audio from the app to play in your right ear and vice versa.

To set the audio channel:

  1. Open the SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader Control Panel.
  2. Open the "Speech" menu and select "Advanced Options" (ALT + S, A).
  3. Select the "Audio page and choose your settings.

Alternatively, you can quickly make this change using Layered hotkey mode.

To do this: Press CAPS LOCK + SPACEBAR, A, then LEFT ARROW to set screen reader speech to the left channel, or RIGHT ARROW to set screen reader speech to the right channel. On pressing the Arrow Key, you will be automatically exited from layered hotkey mode.

To balance the audio output again: Press CAPS LOCK + SPACEBAR, A, UP ARROW.

NOTE: If you toggle your screen reader speech off while audio split is active, then the app audio is automatically switched back to both channels. If you toggle speech on again, the audio split is reinstated.


Audio ducking

SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader supports the use of audio ducking. Audio ducking means the audio volume from an app is lowered when the screen reader speaks. This makes it easier to hear what the screen reader is saying over the audio produced by the app.

You can control audio ducking with Layered hotkeys. Press CAPS LOCK + SPACEBAR, A, DOWN ARROW to enable or disable this feature. When you press DOWN ARROW, you are automatically exited from Layered hotkey mode.

If the ducking level requires adjusting, then you can do this by doing the following:

  1. Open the SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader Control Panel.
  2. Open the "Speech" menu and select "Advanced Options" (ALT + S, A).
  3. Select the "Audio" page.
  4. If unselected, select "Duck audio when speaking" checkbox.
  5. Adjust the slider.
  6. If you do not want the audio ducking to be in constant use, deselect "Duck audio when speaking" checkbox. Remember, you can quickly enable and disable it with the use of Layered hotkey mode.
  7. Select the "OK" button.

Hotkey Summary

Table showing popular Zoom, SuperNova, and Dolphin ScreenReader keyboard commands



Navigate Zoom windows F6 (or SHIFT + F6)
When in meeting, toggle meeting toolbar ALT
When in meeting, focus meeting toolbar CONTROL + SHIFT + ALT
When in meeting, toggle microphone ALT + A
When in meeting, toggle video ALT + V
When in meeting, toggle Share ALT + S
When in meeting, temporarily pause screen sharing ALT + T
When in meeting, create local recording (requires host permission) ALT + R
When in meeting, pause local recording ALT + P
When in meeting, toggle Chat panel ALT + H
When in meeting, toggle Participants panel ALT + U
When in meeting, toggle Full screen view ALT + F
When in meeting, raise or lower your hand ALT + Y
When in meeting, speak video camera state LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + O
When in meeting, speak microphone state  LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + M
When Chat panel showing, speak chat history (note any replies to post are currently unsupported) RIGHT ALT + 1-9 (where 1 is the most recent chat message)
Enable audio split CAPS LOCK + SPACEBAR, A, then LEFT or RIGHT ARROW
Disable audio split CAPS LOCK + SPACEBAR, A, then UP ARROW
Toggle audio ducking CAPS LOCK + SPACEBAR, A, then DOWN ARROW
Toggle speech on off LEFT CONTROL + 0, or, if you are using the Laptop Universal Hotkey Set, press LEFT CONTROL + ALT + 0. Alternatively, press CAPS LOCK + SPACEBAR, S, O.


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