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SuperNova Magnifier For You

Hooked Areas

Reading time: 5 minutes.


Creating Hooked Areas

The process of creating Hooked Areas is relatively simple, requiring only a few keyboard commands.

The steps are:

  1. If using the Desktop Hot Key set, press LEFT CONTROL + NUMPAD 5 to create a new Hooked Area. If using the Laptop Hot Key set, press LEFT CONTROL + LEFT SHIFT + ALT + H. You will be placed in Magnification Modification Mode, with a flashing border around the Hooked Area.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to position the Hooked Area on the screen. You can also do this by holding down the Z key and move the mouse.
  3. Press LEFT CONTROL + Arrow Keys to adjust the size of the Hooked Area. You can also do this by holding down the X key and move the mouse.
  4. Press LEFT SHIFT + Arrow Keys to alter the content inside the Hooked Area. You can also do this by holding down the C key and move the mouse.
  5. Use the Increase and Decrease Magnification size keyboard commands to change the size of the content within the Hooked Area, for example, by using CAPS LOCK + MOUSE WHEEL UP or DOWN.
  6. Press ESCAPE to save and exit Magnification Modification Mode.

If, after exiting, you find your Hooked Area has disappeared, then press the Toggle Hooked Areas hot key. This keyboard command toggles between showing and hiding the Hooked Areas on the screen.

Table showing the keyboard commands to toggle Hooked Areas
Function Desktop - Default NumPad Set Laptop - Universal Set

Initially, you may find that it is only through the repeated adjustment of size, position and content that gets you to your desired result. Over time, and with practice, you will find that the task will become quicker and easier to complete.

Modifying existing Hooked Areas using the keyboard

A Hooked Area is not anchored to the object that has focus and will not adjust to accommodate changes to an application’s layout or screen resolution. For this reason, you may need to occasionally adjust a Hooked Area or remove it completely.

To do this:

  1. If using the Desktop Hot Key set, press LEFT CONTROL + NUMPAD 6. If using the Laptop Hot Key set, press LEFT CONTROL + F6. This will enter Magnification Modification Mode with the Hooked Area that has focus appearing with a flashing border.
  2. If you have more than one Hooked Area, then continue to press the hot key until the Hooked Area you wish to modify or delete has focus.
  3. You can use the previously discussed size, position, and content keyboard commands to modify the existing Hooked Area. When done, you can press ESCAPE to save your changes and exit. Alternatively, you can press the DELETE key to remove the Hooked Area.

When the Hooked Area is deleted the next Hooked Area gains focus. If no Hooked Areas remain, then SuperNova automatically exits Magnification Modification Mode.

You can also create Hooked Areas using the mouse pointer. Please see the SuperNova Manual for instructions.
