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Outlook 365 Desktop Edition with SuperNova

Hotkey Summary


Below you will find the keyboard commands you can use to accomplish many of the popular tasks you may undertake in Outlook 365 Classic Desktop Edition. You can also click here to download this page as a Word document.

Enhance Outlook with sounds

You can enhance your experience using Outlook by enabling sounds. When enabled, sounds will reinforce many of the common actions you perform such as deleting, cutting, pasting, and actions like autocorrection, opening task pane, and closing task pane.

When enabled, the sound effects are used in all Microsoft Office apps irrespective of the app you chose to turn them on.

To enable sounds:

  1. Open Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, or Word.
  2. Open the "File" menu and select "Options" (ALT + F, T).
  3. Select the "Accessibility" category.
  4. Select "Provide feedback with sound" check box (ALT + S).
  5. TAB to and select a sound scheme. You can choose between two different sound schemes: Modern and Classic.
  6. Select the "OK" button.

Hotkey conflicts

You may experience a hotkey conflict with some of the stated keyboard commands. If you are unfamiliar with resolving hotkey conflicts, please visit Resolving Hotkey Conflicts with Apps (opens in new tab).

Table showing hotkeys to resolve a hotkey conflict
Command Desktop - Numpad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Pass next key to application LEFT CONTROL + 7 CAPS LOCK + 3
Toggle hotkeys on / off LEFT CONTROL + 8 LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + 3

Navigating elements including Ribbon, Task Pane, and Status Bar

Table showing keyboard commands for navigating UI elements
Command Hotkey
Move focus to next main element F6
Move focus to previous main element SHIFT + 6
Move focus to the Ribbon tab ALT or F10
Move focus to a specific Ribbon tab ALT + Ribbon tab key (for example ALT + H to move to the Home tab, ALT + N to move to the Insert tab, etc.)
Open the context menu SHIFT + F10 or APPLICATION KEY
Move focus to the previous group in the Ribbon CONTROL + LEFT ARROW
Move focus to the next group in the Ribbon CONTROL + RIGHT ARROW
Explore commands Arrow Keys or TAB / SHIFT + TAB
Close Task Pane Press F6 to move focus to the Task Pane, then CONTROL + SPACEBAR to open the task pane menu, and select "Close"

Useful SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader commands when navigating the Ribbon, Task Pane, and Status Bar

Table showing keyboard commands for navigating the Ribbon, Task Pane and Status Bar
Command Desktop - Numpad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Speak additional focus information, describes help text and shortcut key for current Ribbon command LEFT SHIFT + NUMPAD 0 LEFT CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + UP ARROW
Speak status bar information NUMPAD 2 CAPS LOCK + PAGE DOWN
List commands in the Quick Access Toolbar CAPS LOCK + Q CAPS LOCK + Q


Tip: The shortcut key for a Ribbon tab, and the descriptive text for Ribbon commands, are automatically announced when using a High Verbosity Scheme. You can adjust your Speech Verbosity Scheme by pressing CAPS LOCK + EQUALS or, if you are using the Laptop Universal hotkey set, press CAPS LOCK + V.

To change your Braille Verbosity Scheme, press LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + EQUALS or, if you are using the Laptop universal Hotkey Set, press LEFT CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + V.

Go to, open, create, search, and close commands in Outlook

Table showing keyboard commands to open, create, search and close
Command Hotkey
Go to Inbox CONTROL + SHIFT + I
Go to Outbox CONTROL + SHIFT + O
Go to Mail folder CONTROL + 1
Go to Calendar folder CONTROL + 2
Go to Contacts folder CONTROL + 3
Go to Tasks folder CONTROL + 4
Open "Go to folder" dialog box CONTROL + Y
Go back to previous visited folder ALT + LEFT ARROW
Go forward to next visited folder ALT + RIGHT ARROW
Create a new item based on current Outlook folder type CONTROL + N
Create a new mail message from any folder in Outlook CONTROL + SHIFT + M
Create a new appointment from any folder in Outlook CONTROL + SHIFT + A
Create a new meeting from any folder in Outlook CONTROL + SHIFT + Q
Create a new task from any folder in Outlook CONTROL + SHIFT + K
Create a new task request from any folder in Outlook CONTROL + SHIFT + ALT + U
Create a new note from any folder in Outlook CONTROL + SHIFT + N
Create a new contact from any folder in Outlook CONTROL + SHIFT + C
Create a new contact group from any folder in Outlook CONTROL + SHIFT + L
Save changes to the current item CONTROL + S
Post current item ALT + S
Open "Address Book" dialog box CONTROL + SHIFT + B
Open the "Save As" dialog box F12
Open the "Print" options CONTROL + P
Search in Outlook ALT + Q
Search in current folder CONTROL + ALT + K
Search in current folder and subfolders CONTROL + ALT + Z
Search in all folders CONTROL + ALT + A
Open "Advanced Search" dialog box CONTROL + SHIFT + F
Close Outlook ALT + F4

Working with mail

The following table provides Outlook hotkeys for navigating mail folders and opening messages. The hotkeys presume you are using the default mail folder view. If you have customised your view, then certain hotkeys may not be applicable.

Table showing keyboard commands when working with mail
Command Hotkey
Navigate messages in mail folder UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW
Navigate messages in mail folder including group headings ALT + UP ARROW and ALT + DOWN ARROW
Collapse and expand group headings in mail folder Move focus to group heading and press ENTER
Mark messages as read in mail folder CONTROL + Q
Mark messages as unread in mail folder CONTROL + U
Set follow-up flag for message in mail folder CONTROL + SHIFT + G
Mark the message as not junk in mail folder CONTROL + ALT + J
Open a mail message ENTER or CONTROL + O
Open next message when viewing a current message CONTROL + COMMA
Open previous message when viewing a current message CONTROL + FULL STOP
Delete currently opened message CONTROL + D
Forward message CONTROL + F
Forward message as an attachment CONTROL + ALT + F
Reply to sender CONTROL + R
Reply to all recipients of the mail message CONTROL + SHIFT + R or ALT + L

Useful SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader commands when reading received messages

Table showing keyboard commands when reading received messages
Command Desktop - Numpad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Speak message header including recipients and notifications CAPS LOCK + H CAPS LOCK + H
Speak date from message header CAPS LOCK + D CAPS LOCK + D
Move Dolphin Cursor to notification area NUMPAD SLASH (repeat until area reached) LEFT CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + Z (repeat until area reached)
Simulate Left Click with Dolphin Cursor INSERT CAPS LOCK + 8
Simulate Right Click with Dolphin Cursor DELETE CAPS LOCK + 9
Activate links in the body of a message using the Dolphin Cursor ENTER ENTER
Read mail message using Read from here NUMPAD PLUS CAPS LOCK + DOWN ARROW
When using Read from here, pause / restart reading SPACEBAR SPACEBAR
Exit Read from here ESCAPE ESCAPE


Tip: Outlook defaults to opening links in Microsoft Edge. If you prefer to open links in your default browser, go to "Outlook Options" (ALT + F, T), select the "Advanced" category, and set "Open hyperlinks from Outlook in" setting to "Default browser".

Navigating and selecting text commands

Table showing keyboard commands for navigating and selecting text
Command Hotkey
Move focus to previous / next character LEFT / RIGHT ARROW
Move focus to previous / next word CONTROL + LEFT / RIGHT ARROW
Move focus to previous / next line UP / DOWN ARROW
Move focus to previous / next paragraph CONTROL + UP / DOWN ARROW
Move focus to start of line HOME
Move focus to end of line END
Select a character Position the focus to the left of the character and press SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW
Select a word Position the focus to the left of the word and press CONTROL + RIGHT ARROW
Select a line Position the focus at the start of the line and press SHIFT + DOWN ARROW
Select a paragraph Position the focus at the start of the paragraph and press SHIFT + CONTROL + DOWN ARROW
Select all CONTROL + A
Enable Selection Mode F8
Extend selection when using Selection Mode Arrow Keys
Extend unit selection such as word, sentence, and paragraph when using Section Mode F8 multiple times
Cancel Selection Mode ESCAPE

Working with text when composing messages

Outlook includes a wealth of keyboard commands that make working with text a productive experience when using the keyboard. In most cases, the stated hotkeys require you to select prior to applying the hotkey.

Table showing keyboard commands when composing messages
Command Hotkey
Change the case of the text SHIFT + F3. Repeated presses of this hot key will cycle through the separate ways the capital letter style can be applied including uppercase, lowercase, and initial case
Capitalise all letters CONTROL + SHIFT + A
Insert an optional hyphen CONTROL + MINUS
Insert a non-break hyphen CONTROL + SHIFT + MINUS
Insert a non-break space CONTROL + SHIFT + SPACEBAR
Insert the current date SHIFT + ALT + D
Insert the current time SHIFT + ALT + T
Insert the copyright symbol CONTROL + ALT + C
Insert the registration symbol CONTROL + ALT + R
Insert the trademark symbol CONTROL + ALT + T
 Insert a blank equation ALT + EQUALS
Copy text CONTROL + C
Cut text CONTROL + X
Paste text CONTROL + V
Copy text formatting CONTROL + SHIFT + C
Paste text formatting CONTROL + SHIFT + V

Formatting text and paragraphs when composing messages

Outlook includes keyboard commands that enable you to change the formatting of text quickly and easily from the keyboard.

Table showing keyboard commands when formatting text
Command Hotkey
Make text bold CONTROL + B
Make text italic CONTROL + I
Make text underlined CONTROL + U
Make text subscript CONTROL + EQUALS
Make text superscript CONTROL + SHIFT + EQUALS
Left align a paragraph CONTROL + L
Centre a paragraph CONTROL + E
Justify a paragraph CONTROL + J
Right align a paragraph CONTROL + R
Single line space a paragraph CONTROL + 1
One-and-a-half line space a paragraph CONTROL + 5
Double line space a paragraph CONTROL + 2
Full left align indentation CONTROL + M
Hanging indentation CONTROL + T
Reset paragraph style back to default values CONTROL + Q
Reset character style back to default values CONTROL + SPACEBAR

Useful SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader commands when editing, navigating, and selecting text when composing messages

Table showing useful keyboard commands when editing, navigating and selecting text
Command Desktop - Numpad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Cycle typing modes CAPS LOCK + SEMI COLON CAPS LOCK + 2
Speak line to focus LEFT SHIFT + NUMPAD 1 CAPS LOCK + HOME
Speak line from focus LEFT SHIFT + NUMPAD 2 CAPS LOCK + END
Read message using Read from here NUMPAD PLUS CAPS LOCK + DOWN ARROW
When using Read from here, pause / restart reading SPACEBAR SPACEBAR
Exit Read from here ESCAPE ESCAPE


Tip: Speak keys provide additional output when pressed multiple times, for example, pressing the Speak character hotkey twice means the character is spelt phonetically, a third press describes the character’s font attributes, and a fourth press states the character’s Unicode value.

Useful SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader commands for reviewing text formats

Table showing useful keyboard commands for reviewing text formats
Command Desktop - Numpad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Speak character attributes NUMPAD 4 (on third press) CAPS LOCK + LEFT ARROW (on third press)
Speak additional focus information about paragraph formatting LEFT SHIFT + NUMPAD 0 LEFT CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + UP ARROW


Tip: You can automate the announcement of style changes through the "Text Style Announcements" dialog box in the SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader Control Panel. You may find this useful when proof-reading a message for formatting changes.

Applying popular inbuilt styles when composing messages

Outlook includes keyboard commands that enable you to quickly apply its own inbuilt styles to paragraphs. The use of Styles ensures your message has a consistent look and feel when being viewed.

Table showing keyboard commands when applying inbuilt styles
Command Hotkey
Apply Heading 1 Style to the current paragraph CONTROL + ALT + 1
Apply Heading 2 Style to the current paragraph CONTROL + ALT + 2
Apply Heading 3 Style to the current paragraph CONTROL + ALT + 3
Apply Normal Style to the current paragraph CONTROL + SHIFT + N
Apply List Bullet Style to the current paragraph CONTROL + SHIFT + L

Adjusting lists and tables when composing email messages

You can reorder, promote, and demote the order of the bullet and numbered items in a list without the necessity to cut and paste using keyboard commands. You can also use the same keyboard commands to adjust the position of rows in tables.

Table showing keyboard commands when adjusting lists and tables
Command Hotkey
Move list item or table row up SHIFT + ALT + UP ARROW
Move list item or table row down SHIFT + ALT + DOWN ARROW
Promote list item SHIFT + ALT + LEFT ARROW
Demote list item SHIFT + ALT + RIGHT ARROW

Working with tables when composing email messages

As mentioned in the previous section, you can re-order rows in a table by pressing SHIFT + ALT + UP / DOWN ARROW. The following keyboard commands can also be used in tables.

Table showing keyboard commands when working with tables
Command Hotkey
Navigate cell content Arrow Keys
Select content in next cell TAB
Select content in previous cell SHIFT + TAB
Go to first cell in column ALT + PAGE UP
Go to last cell in column ALT + PAGE DOWN
Go to first cell in row ALT + HOME
Go to last cell in row ALT + END
Select entire row Position focus at start of row and press SHIFT + ALT + END
Select entire column Position focus at start of column and press SHIFT + ALT + PAGE DOWN
Delete all content in a table Select table and press DELETE
Delete table Select table and press BACKSPACE

Useful SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader commands for reading tables

SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader includes useful Speak keys you can use when creating tables in messages.

Table showing useful keyboard commands when reading tables
Command Desktop - Numpad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Speak row and column co-ordinates NUMPAD 3 SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + LEFT ARROW
Speak column from current cell CAPS LOCK + NUMPAD PERIOD SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + PAGE DOWN
Speak column to current cell CAPS LOCK + NUMPAD 3 SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + PAGE UP
Speak row from current cell CAPS LOCK + NUMPAD 2 SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + END
Speak row to current cell CAPS LOCK + NUMPAD 1 SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + HOME

Working using Calendar View

Table showing keyboard commands for Calendar View
Command Hotkey
Go to next event TAB
Go to previous event SHIFT + TAB
Open an event ENTER or CONTROL + O
Display Day View CONTROL + ALT + 1
Display Work Week View CONTROL + ALT + 2
Display Week View CONTROL + ALT + 3
Display Month View CONTROL + ALT + 4
Display Schedule View CONTROL + ALT + 5
Go to today CONTROL + T
Go to next day RIGHT ARROW
Go to previous day LEFT ARROW
Open "Go to date" dialog box CONTROL + G
Navigate time slots when using Day View and Week Views UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW
Go to start of day when using Day View and Week Views CONTROL + HOME
Go to end of day when using Day View and Week Views CONTROL + END
Go to start of working day when using Day View and Week Views HOME
Go to end of working day when using Day View and Week Views END
Go to previous week when using Day View and Week Views ALT + UP ARROW
Go to next week when using Day View and Week Views ALT + DOWN ARROW
Go to start of week when using Day View and Week Views ALT + HOME
Go to end of week when using Day View and Week Views ALT + END
Go to previous week when using Month View UP ARROW
Go to next week when using Month View DOWN ARROW
Go to previous month  ALT + PAGE UP
Go to next month ALT + PAGE DOWN

Other useful SuperNova, Dolphin ScreenReader, and Outlook keyboard commands

Here is a list of assorted commands you may find helpful when working in Outlook.

Table showing useful keyboard commands for Outlook
Command Hotkey
Spell check a message F7
Move to next spelling error in message and open context menu ALT + F7
Look up current word in Thesaurus SHIFT + F7
Open the "Find" option CONTROL + F or F4
Continue search within the message body SHIFT + F4
Open the "Replace" option CONTROL + H
Open the "Go to" option CONTROL + G or F5
Open SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader Item Finder to view a list of links, headings, tables, etc. in a message CAPS LOCK + TAB


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