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Web Browsing with SuperNova

Chrome, Edge and Firefox Hotkey Summary


Below you will find the keyboard commands you can use to accomplish many of the popular tasks you may wish to undertake when navigating webpages, and performing actions in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.

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Hotkey conflicts

You may experience a hotkey conflict with some of the stated keyboard commands. If you are unfamiliar with resolving hotkey conflicts, please visit Resolving Hotkey Conflicts with Apps (opens in new tab).

Table showing hotkeys to resolve a hotkey conflict
Command Desktop - Numpad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Pass next key to application LEFT CONTROL + 7 CAPS LOCK + 3
Toggle hotkeys on / off LEFT CONTROL + 8 LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + 3


Tip: Conflicts can also exist with webpage shortcut keys called accesskeys. An example of an accesskey is the use of the letter K to play and pause videos on YouTube. If a conflict exists, you need to use the Pass next key to application command, for example, LEFT CONTROL + 7, followed by K.

General Dolphin Cursor commands

Table showing general Dolphin Cursor commands
Command Hotkey
Move by character LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW
Move by line UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW
Move to start of line HOME
Move to end of line END
Move to top of webpage LEFT CONTROL + HOME
Move to bottom of webpage LEFT CONTROL + END
Move by object TAB and SHIFT + TAB
Select text with the Dolphin Cursor SHIFT + Dolphin Cursor movement key such as the Arrow Keys
Copy Dolphin Cursor selection to the Clipboard CONTROL + C
Activate link ENTER
Activate button, checkbox, and radio button SPACEBAR
Activate Forms Mode (required for edit boxes and list boxes) ENTER
Toggle Automatic Forms Mode CAPS LOCK + ENTER

Dolphin Cursor table navigation keys

Table showing Dolphin Cursor table navigation keys
Command Desktop - Numpad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Move to the cell to the left CAPS LOCK + LEFT ARROW LEFT CONTROL + ALT + LEFT ARROW
Move to the cell to the right CAPS LOCK + RIGHT ARROW LEFT CONTROL + ALT + RIGHT ARROW
Speak additional focus information (table properties) LEFT SHIFT + NUMPAD 0 LEFT CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + UP ARROW


Copying text using the Dolphin Cursor drag and drop method

The Drag and Drop Method enables you to retain the format of text when copying information from a webpage to the Clipboard.

To do this:

  1. Position the Dolphin Cursor on the first character of the data to be selected. Note that the first character is different to the first line. If you are on the first line you should move the Dolphin Cursor right so that the first letter is the focus.
  2. Press RIGHT CONTROL + HOME or, if you are using the Laptop Universal Hotkey Set, press LEFT CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + 8. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader announces "Drag".
  3. Move the Dolphin Cursor to the last character in the block of data to be selected. Again, it is important that you move the Dolphin Cursor to the last character and not simply the last line.
  4. Press RIGHT CONTROL + END or, if you are using the Laptop Universal Hotkey Set, press LEFT CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + 7. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader announces "Drop" and the text on the webpage is highlighted.
  5. Press LEFT CONTROL + 7 or, if you are using the Laptop Universal Hotkey Set, press CAPS LOCK + 3. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader announces "Allow through", enabling you to pass the copy command directly to the web browser.Press CONTROL + C. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader announces "Copied text to Clipboard".
  6. Go to the place you want to insert the selected text.
  7. Press CONTROL + V to paste the content from the Clipboard.

Dolphin Cursor Quick Navigation Keys

You can move the Dolphin Cursor to elements on a webpage by using Quick Navigation Keys. You can move to the previous element on a webpage by pressing SHIFT + Quick Navigation Key.

Table showing Dolphin Cursor Quick Navigation Keys
Key Moves to next
1 - 6 Heading level 1 through to 6
B Button
C Combo listbox
D Element different to current focus, for example, if focus is on a heading, navigation will be to next element that is not a heading
E Edit area
F All form elements
G Graphic
H Heading
I Bullet or number item within current list
K Link
L Bullet or number list
M Frame
N Block of non-linked text
P Paragraph
Q Blockquote
R Radio button (also referred to as Option button)
T Table
U Unvisited link
V Visited link
X Checkbox
Semi colon (;) ARIA landmark
A Place Marker
LEFT CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + A Add a temporary Place Marker
LEFT CONTROL + LEFT SHIFT + A Add a permanent Place Marker

Searching for text with the Dolphin Cursor

You can use the Dolphin Cursor Find command to locate text on a webpage.

To do this:

  1. Press F3 or, if you are using the Laptop Universal Hotkey Set, press LEFT CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + F. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader announces "Find" and focus will be in an invisible dialog box.
  2. Type the text to find and press ENTER. The Dolphin Cursor will be positioned on the first match it finds below its current position. If no match is found, SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader will say "not found".
  3. To search for the next occurrence on the webpage, press F4 or, if you are using the Laptop Universal Hotkey Set, press CAPS LOCK + F3.
  4. To search for the previous occurrence on the webpage, press F2 or, if you are using the Laptop Universal Hotkey Set, press LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + F3.

Tip: SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader stores the current text you are searching for until you quit the product. This means you can continue your search on new webpages without the need to enter the same search string again.

Chrome, Edge and Firefox keyboard commands

The Chrome, Edge, and Firefox web browsers contain useful keyboard commands that make working in these browsers a productive experience. 

Table showing popular Chrome, Edge and Firefox keyboard commands
Command Key press
Open browser help F1
Refresh webpage F5
Move to the next main element in the web browser interface F6 or SHIFT + F6
Go to address bar ALT + D or CONTROL + L
Go to previous visited web page ALT + LEFT ARROW
Go to next visited web page ALT + RIGHT ARROW
Go to Home page ALT + HOME
Bookmark webpage CONTROL + D
View downloads CONTROL + J
Stop page downloading ESCAPE
Close tab or close browser if only one tab open CONTROL + W
Close browser ALT + F4


To view a full list of keyboard commands available with these browsers, please visit:


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