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SuperNova Magnifier & Screen Reader For You

Multiple Monitors

Reading time: 5 minutes.


Magnification with an extended desktop

SuperNova supports all the Windows Multiple Monitor Modes but for best results it is recommended you use Extended Desktop.

Options when using Extended Desktop include:

  • Span, which sets your monitors to show your desktop as a single large desktop. You may find this useful if you are viewing a lot of information in landscape, such as a worksheet with many columns as it gives you the chance to see more information at one time.
  • Side by side applications, which allows you to position different applications on different monitors, thus allowing you to easily take notes or monitor an application while you work in another.

You will find the following keyboard commands helpful when working with side-by-side applications.

Table showing keyboard commands for Multiple Monitors
Function Hot Key
Jump mouse pointer to middle of next monitor CAPS LOCK + MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON
Move application to the right monitor WINDOWS KEY + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW
Move application to the left monitor WINDOWS KEY + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW


Presentation Mode

Also, demonstrated in the video clip, you can choose "Presentation Mode". Presentation Mode allows you to have one monitor showing a magnified screen and the secondary monitors displaying an unmagnified screen. This is extremely useful if you are giving a presentation and want your audience to see a normal screen.

Furthermore, if you are using PowerPoint to give your presentation and have enabled PowerPoint's "Use Presenter's View", then you can magnify your presentation notes on your monitor while the audience watches an unmagnified slideshow. You can also choose what monitor displays your slideshow and what monitor displays your view. None of SuperNova's Colour Schemes, Mouse Pointers, Highlighting and other visual effects will appear on the monitor displaying the presentation.

And finally, here's a brief description on some of those additional settings available in the SuperNova "Multiple Monitors" dialog box:

  • Mouse Buffer, allows you to prevent the accidental movement of your mouse pointer onto another monitor when you are using an extended desktop. You achieve this by creating a level of resistance at the screen edge, which means you require additional force to move the mouse pointer onto another monitor. You can adjust the level of resistance the buffer creates by using the "Resistance" slider.
  • Switch monitor hot key, allows you to jump the mouse pointer from one monitor to the next, without panning the magnification away from the area of the screen you are currently viewing. This is especially useful if you are copy typing information from one application to another. The default hot key to perform this command is CAPS LOCK + MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON but you can use the related options to assign an alternative hot key to this command.
  • Allow different magnification sizes on each monitor, allows you to have independent levels of magnification on each of your monitors. This is useful for instance when you have two monitors of varied sizes and you need a little extra magnification on the smaller monitor, or when magnifying smaller text in an application on one of your secondary monitors.
  • Independent colours, allows you to have independent colour schemes on each of your monitors. This is useful for instance when you have applications on each monitor that require you to use different Colour Schemes.

Tip: When you make your SuperNova magnification level and colours independent, in SuperNova's control panel the monitor number that the magnification level and colour settings belong to will be displayed in the "Visual" property sheet, (directly underneath the magnification "Size" control).
